
Tricks of Telegram promotion

Tricks of Telegram promotion

How do exactly Telegram promotion services work?

Telegram became an extremely popular platform for starting your blog or making a business. In this article, we’ll discuss Telegram promotion services that will help your channel grow. Since Telegram is something between messenger and social media, users spend a lot of time there. As a result, the average reach of Telegram posts is significantly bigger than on Facebook or Instagram.
Let’s see the numbers! In general, organic reach on Instagram Stories is around 3-8%, and for Facebook publications – it’s a bit more than 5%. While for Telegram posts this number ranges between 20 and 70 percent, depending on the number of channel members and the theme. Impressive, right?
Promoting your brand on Telegram is nothing like growing on other social networks. It’s harder because there are no helpful algorithms, hashtags, or recommendation pages. However, the result is worth it. Below, we have gathered 6 secrets that will help you attract subscribers to the Telegram channel!

#1. The messenger doesn’t provide any kind of promotion

One of the main advantages of this social media is that it doesn’t offer any internal ways of promotion. It means that the popularity of your channel depends on your effort and work only. Unique and quality content will keep the attention of your followers but how do you get them in the first place?
In order to get subscribers for Telegram channel, you need to make your channel recognizable and your publications – worth sharing. The best marketing strategy is word-of-mouth. One person sent your post to a friend, this friend subscribed to your channel and sent your post to someone else, and so on. Sounds like a dream!
Except for one thing: such a method of promotion is great only in theory. Most users won’t follow your blog if you have only 100 subscribers. Build a reputation with a cheap Telegram panel first – buy Telegram channel members, post views, and reactions. This is how you make real people see your content as interesting.

#2. Use bots to make administrating easier

Growing on social media is a demanding and time-absorbing task. If you want to be successful, you can’t think of it as a hobby. Luckily, the world of Telegram has multiple useful tools to help you with administering the channel – bots.
Simply speaking, they are small programs that run inside the messenger and automate routine processes in a blog. Their functionality makes Telegram channels more interesting and user-friendly. There will be more chances to attract more people if you’re better than competitors.
Bots are unable to get subscribers for Telegram channel or boost the engagement of your publications but they can do a hundred other different things: creating polls, finding the most suitable GIF, scheduling posts, checking the stats of your channel, or adding the self-delete timer for a temporary publication.

#3. Boost statistics with Telegram promotion services

On social media, everyone starts from scratch. There’s no magic that will automatically add thousands of active and loyal members to your channel. In the beginning, there will be no harm in using a cheap panel to buy Telegram members and reactions and views for your publications.
Most people are afraid of bans but let us assure you – Telegram has no punishment for such an activity. If you still doubt this way of growing, check our recent article Is investing in Telegram promotion services a good idea? where we answer all questions.
With GlobalSMM, you won’t have to worry about non-quality services. We have great options for those who care about the reputation of their channels: buy non-drop channel members at an affordable rate, add random comments to increase engagement, or boost your poll with numerous votes. Remember that an active channel is the best promotion strategy ever!

#4. Give some extras on the channel (compared to other social networks)

No matter how good and useful your channel is, people might never find it. There are no keywords or hashtags on Telegram. Moreover, the search results are quite limited. So you have to work hard to make as many people as possible open your channel and check it.
And there’s a simple way to do it!
When you give useful information on your other social media (it can be Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube), save some titbits for Telegram. Let’s say, you post a video on YouTube/post on Instagram with the top 7 stocks to buy in September. Why not save 2 of them for your Telegram channel? Such a trick will make the audience go to your blog.
Of course, there’s no guarantee that they will immediately follow you but it’ll make them at least read your publications and decide if your content is worth their time.

#5. Keep an eye on your competitors

One of the easiest ways to get subscribers for Telegram channel is to use what works for others. Analyze all popular channels in your niche, their strengths, and weaknesses. What are the most viewed posts about? How does the owner interact with the audience? “Steal” a few ideas (but avoid copying information by any means!).
You can actually learn a lot by spending a week as a follower of the rival channel:
·     the frequency of posts;
·     the stories they are telling;
·     imagery and videos they post;
·     engagement rate;
·     trends and hot topics to discuss.
Tip: a courageous move is to comment your competitors' posts in the attempt to make them migrate to your channel instead. Before that, fill your channel with useful information and use a Telegram panel to improve the stats.

#6. Never go for unrealistic statistics

Another reason for spying on your competitors is to analyze their audience. The number of active users on telegram is about 550 million so you can’t really expect to reach a big number of followers. This should be taken into consideration when you buy Telegram members. On the website of GlobalSMM services, you can order as many units as you need (the minimum is 10).
Telegram promotion services can make your channel grow faster but you shouldn’t think of them as the only solution. Outstanding content and interaction with the audience should always be your top priority!