
How to improve visual content on Instagram

How to improve visual content on Instagram

5 tips for top visual content to get more followers on Instagram

Visual content is the crucial aspect of the success on Instagram. Without quality and attractive photos, your blog will never be noticed. If you want to get more followers on Instagram and create a strong and loyal community, you need to find your visual identity. Things like color palette and choice of imagery have huge impact on the promotion.
When a user opens your profile, he should notice that certain color palette or hue dominates there. Through the colors, it’s easier to convey the message, convince your audience, or simply make them fall in love with your account. Of course, no matter how good your photos are, you won’t attract many people without impressive number of followers and likes. Use reliable panel for Instagram followers to get this base and start working on real promotion.

Trends of visual content on Instagram in 2023

Trends on social media come and go, and it’s quite normal to cast away those ideas and things that don’t work anymore. The same goes for visual content – for example, you remember the infinite structure that was popular a couple of years ago? Now, no one is uses it in his feed.
Regularly checks websites like Pinterest or Canva for inspiration – they are many ideas that you can use in your blog. Finding your style is never easy but you have to try again and again until the result starts to please you. If you notice that your posts don’t get as many likes as before, cheap SMM services will deal with this problem instantly. Visit GlobalSMM and order followers, likes, and even Story and Reels views.
We can’t give you the exact recommendations about your visual identity but we know what can work for anyone, regardless of the topic of his blog. Below, our 5 advice for making your visual content stronger.

Say goodbye to artificial emotions and photos

The faster you realize that there’s nothing better for promotion on social media that being yourself, the better. People feel fake emotions even through the screen, that’s why if you pretend to be someone else, you most likely won’t get any popularity. Say goodbye to artificial emotions, professional photo shoots where you force yourself to smile, placing breakfast on bed, or showing the success you don’t have.
You probably look at these photos every day and laugh at people who post them. They seem to be so unnatural in their so-called success. In 2023, the priority is to make users related to you because one way of another we are dealing with the same problems – and you need to show it through the photos. If some of your publications are not that popular as you imagined them to be, GlobalSMM offers you Instagram likes for sale. Boost your activity with our non-drop likes and other services.

Add more personal photos

You will be surprised to learn how many beginners think that personal photos are not that important. But even if your blog is not about your lifestyle, don’t miss the chance to get more followers on Instagram via showing them your face and outfits. Yes, we know that many people don’t like the idea of themselves in their accounts. However, you will notice that photos with a person normally get more likes and comments than others. Plus, people spend more time watching the details on the personal photos – what a person wears, where he is, what’s around him, etc.
Another great idea is to make yourself the main character of your blog. Writing about fitness? Show them how fitness made you strong and slim. Your blog is about foreign language learning? Post more videos where you pronounce something. Do you have a book blog? Ask someone to take photos of you with a new book. There are so many ways to turn yourself into a hero!

Post more “before-after”

The difference – what’s been before and what is now – is always interesting. It’s a great tool to capture people’s attention and it works for almost every niche. Before-after works the best on Instagram Stories. Users will switch between two Stories to spot the difference, and you can enjoy the increased activity.
Before-after can be used not only for weight loss and house interior. There are many ways to implement this visual trick into your blog. And the more tremendous the difference is, the more activity you get. Users love jaw-dropping transformations. Sometimes, these publications gather so many likes, reactions, and comments that you don’t even cheap SMM services to make them more popular.

Show the process of your work

This recommendation can be applied to many spheres and niches. Whether you have a shop or offer any service via Instagram, it’s always be great to show people the “inside” of your work. The process can be even more engaging than the result itself. Plus, it’s a great idea for carousel posts – you can show several stages of your work and let your followers see how much effort it takes.
Although Instagram is mostly visual social media, not every niche can be shown via aesthetic photos. But it doesn’t mean that your audience will enjoy mediocre visuals. Stop posting low-quality photos and switch to aesthetically pleasant content – if there are no beautiful shots, at least, focus on good editing. Use a panel for Instagram followers to add more likes and comments to your unpopular publications.

Change locations and backgrounds

Instagram is all about entertaining people. If your content is monotonous and similar, you won’t be getting many followers and activity. Constantly change locations, add more details to your photos, use different background and outfits. You can make photos in advance and then use them for different situations. For example, in one day, you can get 5-10 photos in your office, in the shop, at the street, at home, etc.
Diversity will help you stand out from the crowd. Think of the ways you can surprise people with something unusual about yourself, and your activity on social media will spike. You can also find Instagram likes for sale on GlobalSMM if you need additional activity. We have numerous services for all social media. With us, even the most modest account can become popular in a few moments.