7 mistakes on Telegram that won’t add followers
Avoid at all cost: 7 mistakes that will never add Telegram members
Creating a Telegram
channel is way cheaper and easier than starting a blog. The messenger has all
necessary tools for turning your channel into a real blog with thousands of
subscribers. Despite the fact that more than 55 million people open this app
daily, you can’t except them to just join your channel. Only hard and
consistent work will help you add Telegram members.
The majority of people
doesn’t devote enough time to blogging, hoping for miracles or lucky chance.
Well, you can wait forever. Or you can read this article and understand how to get Telegram subscribers. Mainly, we want to focus on most
typical mistakes everyone makes. Learn from them now to become a better
Picking the niche you don’t like
Why is it bad? You won’t be able to
write quality texts and publish interest content if you are not interested in
the topic. Plus, you may quickly lose all the desire to find new information.
What to do? Don’t choose the
niche because it’s popular or you think you can make a lot of money from it.
Managing a Telegram channel is a challenging and time-consuming task. You have
to be 100% sure that you love the topic, know a thing or two about the chosen
niche, and can’t wait to share your knowledge with people.
We’ve already written
about the best niches for Telegram, however, don’t stick
to that list. If you have enough fire inside, you can learn how to get Telegram
subscribers for any type of channel.
Very frequent publications
Why is it bad? The audience will
quickly lose its interest. People also use Telegram as a messenger, so they
don’t really want to see dozens of new notifications or unread messages when
opening the app. Also, you might run out if ideas.
What to do? Limit yourself. Of course,
if your niche is breaking news, you are free to publish as much posts as you
want. For educational and entertaining channels, 2-3 posts per day is more than
Managing Telegram channel is not
like posting endless lifestyle Stories on Instagram. The quality of information
you give is valued more than its quantity. So you’ll have enough time to
prepare a truly helpful publication, and your followers won’t be irritated by
frequent posting.
You can track the
popularity of your publications by seeing how many viewed, reacted, and
commented your post. You can boost the poor activity by buying Telegram channel
views but make sure to never broadcast this type of content (since users don’t
find it valuable or interesting).
Dispassionate narrative
Why is it bad? “Boring”, “like
everyone else”, “I could have googled it” – these are the least flattering
phrases a channel owner wants to be hear about himself.
What to do? Establish a
connection and build trusted relationship with your subscribers through more
personalized communication. What actual techniques can you adopt:
· create a unique
greeting for your audience
· use slang words (if
your niche allows)
· add irony and humor
· explain complicated
things using simple language, for example, with memes
· add your opinion – a
great option for book or movie blogs
If you do everything right and
find the right tone of your narrative, you won’t be trying to find how to get Telegram subscribers ever again.
Channel is not “ready”
Why is it bad? A potential member
doesn’t understand why he landed on your channel. There’s no reasons for him to
join it.
What to do? Before presenting
your channel to big audience and starting to add Telegram members, choose a catchy name and avatar, write a
description, pin a navigation menu, and publish several posts. Give users the
reason to stay.
Beginners struggle
with the channel promotion more than anyone else. You can make your blog look
more interesting by ordering Telegram channel views and buying members.
GlobalSMM offers all types of non-drop activities for Telegram: comments in
several languages, reactions, post views. You can even buy Telegram votes!
Similar format of publications won’t add Telegram members
Why is it bad? Again, it’s boring.
Your content and its presentation should be diverse to keep the audience
interested and engaged. There are hundreds of ways to make your channel more
What to do? Don’t be afraid to
experiment with formats: videos, short and long texts, images, multi-slide
images with texts, voice messages or audio files, polls, quizzes,
user-generated content, etc. always analyze what your current audience reacts
to most by tracking Telegram channel views and other
At some point, you will
find 4-6 formats that your subscribers approve of. Stick to them and keep looking
for alternative options for non-working types of content. Adapt to the needs of
your audience, and you’ll be generously rewarded by reactions, comments, and
No visual elements
Why is it bad? Images, videos,
charts, GIFs, screenshots, and stickers are necessary for all social media.
They can help you create your unique style and become recognizable among the dozens
of similar channels. You won’t be able to add
Telegram members if you post one text after another without visual elements.
What to do? A picture is worth a
thousand words. The studies show that we remember only 20% of what we read and
80% of what we see. So, maybe it’s time to prioritize visual content?
If you’re still looking for your
ideal visual style, check what works for your competitors. Analyze 10-15
popular channels from your niche and see what elements or topics trigger active
discussion and numerous reactions.
Changing main topic without warning
Why is it bad? Well, it’s kinda
rude. Imagine that your channel with fitness tips suddenly turns into
cryptocurrencies blog. Yes, maybe, the area of your interests has changed but
this not how you get Telegram subscribers.
What to do? If the fire for your topic slowly starts to fade, it’s better to
honestly tell your audience about it. In advance. Some people will leave your
channel but the most loyal will stay. Or you can publish a poll and ask if your
channel members support such a transition. In this case, you may buy Telegram
votes to help indecisive users make the “right” choice.
And finally, remember about mistake number 1 – if the
chosen is boring even for you, there’s no chance to create outstanding content
and add Telegram members.