
5 important growth strategies

5 important growth strategies

What are the main Instagram growth strategies for Stories?

One of the best ways to please Insta algorithms is to boost your reach. It means that every publication you share (post, Reels, or Story) should get as many reactions as possible. How can you do it? Let’s find the answer with 5 working Instagram growth strategies for Stories.
Why are we focusing on Stories? Because they are the main tool for building a trusted relationship with the audience. If you want to learn more about promotion in general, go ahead and check our blog. We have many articles about growing an account on Instagram from 0 to thousands of subscribers.
In this piece, we want to focus on story-making since it’s the most important channel of communication with followers.

Stories as the main tool of communication

Since the introduction of the smart feed, it has become tricky to see all posts in the feed. Does this constant ad make your eyes bleed too? We feel you! As a result, people switched their attention to Stories – short images and videos that disappear in 24 hours.
If you feel that your publication and Reels are underrated by users, use a panel for Instagram followers to get more likes, comments, and subscribers! Keep in mind, however, that you should primarily concentrate on storytelling via Stories.
·     They create some kind of intimacy between you and your follower. There are no distraction factors, like likes and comments of other people.
·     They are more popular than posts. You may notice that the average number of views of your Stories is bigger than the number of likes under your posts.
·     There are many cool activities you can do via Stories – mainly, you can communicate with your audience and build a strong relationship.
Yes, Stories are great but people don’t know how to benefit from them. They mindlessly share pics and videos, when they should be focusing on how to increase Instagram reach. Luckily, we have 5 wonderful strategies to help you post smarter Stories.

Before-after transformations are the best for reach

This is one of the most engaging Instagram growth strategies – it makes your followers switch between two Stories to spot the difference. As a result, capricious algorithms understand the value of your content and show it to more people. Plus, it’s impossible to deny the fact that before-after differences are hypnotizing.
This technique is suitable for almost every niche. Of course, the most impressive contrast is, the bigger reaction you will get. A new haircut or hair color, the growth of your cat, weight loss, painting, room decoration, change of seasons in one location – there are thousands of options to choose between.

Make your followers feel like “the chosen ones”

Instagram is all about people’s egos. People can be indifferent to what you do, while they worship someone else. The first rule of every good relationship says: people will never forget how you make them feel. To get more followers on Instagram, you need to make users feel like “the chosen ones”.
You can do this via hooks like “exclusive content that no one else sees”, “I wanted to ask your opinion first”, “what do you think I should do?”, “I want to share this special moment with you”, etc. We all love when people ask our opinion, right? We all love when people share something intimate with us, right? This makes us feel better.
Make your audience feel better via Stories, and the loyalty of your subscribers will significantly grow!

One of the best Instagram growth strategies: remove water from your content

Time is the most valuable asset on the planet. No one opens Instagram to see 3-hours-long content about your life or work. Respect others and their time. Be short. Don’t overload your Stories with useless and unimportant information.
When you work on the scenario of your series of Stories, think of how you can decrease the amount of information. It’s better when something is left out so people start asking you questions in DM. And you know what that means, right? More activity in your DM allows you to increase Instagram reach!
By removing water from your content you reduce the time required for making one Story and leave space for communication with followers.

No one needs 100 Stories per day

And that is amazing! This strategy allows you to focus on the quality of your content and leave your audience waiting. On the contrary, when sharing too many Stories, you will scare people away from your account. In order to get more followers on Instagram, post no more than 6-7 Stories per day. From time to time, give yourself a break and take days off from posting.
We know that it might be tempting sometimes to share a lot. But you should always prioritize quality over quantity. If you notice that the attention of your followers is elsewhere, consider taking a day off. Use a panel for Instagram followers to improve the activity of unpopular publications and devote time to creating brand-new content.

Remind the audience about your old stuff

Lack of inspiration, burnout, loss of interest in what you’re doing – believe us, every blogger has been there at least once. If you have no fresh ideas, it’s time to use old content for getting the reactions of your audience. By the way, it can be a great way of storytelling as well. For example, remind people how your blog began, what mistakes you made at the start, share old pics of you, compare your old self with your current self… There are so many options!
These 5 strategies will help you improve your brand influence and make people crave your Stories. For better results, use a panel for Instagram followers in combination with real work. On the GlobalSMM website, you can order likes and reach, buy followers and views for Reels, and find many other cheap SMM services for all social media platforms.