
Make your audience interact on Instagram

Make your audience interact on Instagram

How to make your audience active and increase followers on Instagram

The engagement rate plays an important role in the growth of your Instagram account. It includes all types of the audience interaction with your content and the general percentage of “truly interested” people. If you learn how to boost your engagement you will be able to increase followers on Instagram. Why? Because the algorithms promote the most engaging content!
There are two ways to get interaction: real activity from real subscribers and fake interaction received from an SMM panel for Instagram. Both ways are good for blog development and can be used together. Don’t rely on SMM services only: since you’re main goal is not to get pleasing numbers but attract real people to your page.
Let’s see how interaction will be ruling social media in 2023!

Why interaction matters?

First of all, interaction is necessary for your self-esteem and motivation. Especially if you work hard on creation of your content. When you see that your publications and Stories get response from the audience, you get more more motivation to keep going.
Second, it creates activity on the page that will be quickly detected by algorithms. For example, you shared a Story and received an unusually big number of reactions – just because it was a beautiful photo. Algorithms detect this spike in activity and consider this Story important. So they show it to more followers.
Pleasing Instagram algorithms is not an easy task. You can get all necessary services from a reliable SMM panel for Instagram. Yes, these services have been known for providing likes and followers only but they get better and new options appear. With GlobalSMM, every account owner can increase amount of comments, likes, views, and even impressions and saves. And below, we’ll discuss the organic ways to improve engagement rate.

Types of interaction that help to increase followers on Instagram

Apart from a cheap SMM provider, there’s still a possibility to get real reactions from your audience. However, you need to work on the quality of your Stories and publications. We’ve already shared 7 tips for creating engaging Stories but you need more than that.
Improving engagement means working on the following aspects of Instagram activity:
·       comments;
·       likes;
·       saves;
·       views on Stories and Reels.
We’ve prepared a full guide for increasing interaction between you and your audience. Follow these recommendations, and you’ll notice that more and more people start to react to what you do.

How to boost comments

Let’s begin with the most complicated part – comments. Although users may be generously writing direct messages, it’s nearly impossible to make them leave a comment visible to everyone. Whether they are shy or just don’t want to express their opinion, it doesn’t matter. There are certain tricks that will awake even the most passive audience.
  1. Reply to all comments. Emoji counts as well. Your task is to get as many comments as possible so reward people for their activity. Yes, it may seem cheesy when someone leaves you a flower or a heart as a comment but make sure to reply anyway.
  1. Always add a question at the end of your publication.
  1. Explain followers that you don’t expect them to write something smart. Ask about simple things – such questions are easier to reply to.
  1. Give followers something in exchange for a comment – a useful guide, file with some information, link to a useful item or video, possibility to learn the price of your product, etc.
If your blog is relatively small and there aren’t many active followers there, don’t expect to get hundreds of threads and active discussions under your posts. Keep working as planned as use a panel for Instagram followers to get more comments. Fake comments will serve as an example for inactive and shy users.
GlobalSMM offers you quality SMM services: get comments in YOUR language with us! We have Hindi, Arabic, Turkish, German, Chinese, and English comments, as well as custom emojis that also count are full-pledged comments for Instagram algorithms.

How to get more likes on Instagram

The number of likes under your post depend on many factors: the quality of the photo/video or text, publication time, hashtags and geotags, how relevant this post is, etc. It’s almost impossible to predict whether a publication is going to be trendy or forgotten.
Anyway, there are still some things you may do to improve the amount of likes:
1.     Gently and politely remind followers to like your publications. Explain that this is important to you/allows you to analyze people’s preferences/or make you feel useful. Generally, people are happy to like a post with useful information.
2.     Exchange their likes for more content. For example, “if this post gets 100 likes I’ll share my secrets of how to earn money online/where I buy iPhone for cheap/how to block ads on YouTube, etc”. Make sure you give something really valuable in exchange, otherwise users won’t even bother to like your publication.
3.     Use hashtags and geotags.
More likes will make your page attractive for real users and allow you to increase followers on Instagram. If you don’t get enough activity from organic methods, visit our website and buy them.

How to get insane amount of saves

The post that people would definitely want to save meets 2 criteria: it’s short and useful. That’s it. No magic tricks, no complicated and long texts.
Here are a few ways to increase the save count:
1.     Create guides, lists of locations, and to-do lists. People love saving useful posts for later.
2.     Focus on how-to videos. Users “love” with their eyes. Videos are more visual than photos and text.
3.     Remind the audience to save your publication. Short call-for-action still work!
Again, saves can be purchased from a SMM panel for Instagram. This is a relatively new option that not every provider offers. If you want to boost the number of your saves, try GlobalSMM.

How to increase the number of views for Stories and Reels

Stories and Reels are the 2 most popular types of content on Instagram. Both users and bloggers prefer them to posts. They are more lively, honest, active, and gather more interaction. And this is the main type of content where bloggers the majority of mistakes. Check our article with 3 most frequent Stories mistakes and how to avoid them.
Apart from creating the engaging content and follow all rules of storytelling, you can use a cheap SMM provider for boosting the number of views: GlobalSMM works with Reels, IGTV, and Stories. Create an account on our website and enjoy cheap services of a reliable panel for Instagram followers, likes, and comments.