
How to outsmart Instagram algorithms

How to outsmart Instagram algorithms

Why is it getting harder to increase Instagram followers?

Instagram has significantly changed over the past few years and it’s not about updates and new versions. The entire idea of this social media has changed: since the introduction of so-called algorithms, it’s getting more and more complicated to increase Instagram followers and get the same amount of likes under the posts.
Is there any solution?
In 2016, Instagram announced its dramatic shift to a smart approach. The habitual chronological feed has been replaced with a “smart feed” that tracks the behavior of every user and offers him “the moments he cares about most”. Recently, paid advertisements and suggestions have been added to the feed. As a result, it seems impossible to see new posts of people you follow.
Luckily, this battle of human vs AI is not lost. You can still be visible to the majority of your followers and even get a chance to appear on the Explore page. However, you need to start with understanding how these algorithms work.

Understanding Instagram engagement: it’s not about likes anymore

Back in 2013, it was so easy. You post, people hit “like”, and everyone is happy. Nowadays, social networks adapt to global trends and introduce a more selective approach. It’s clear as a day: when there are way too many users posting their content every day, only the best can stand out.
The new business model of Instagram is to grab the user’s attention.
It’s not as simple as liking and subscribing. And it’s not enough to use cheap SMM services for getting likes and thousands of bots. Here are the ranking signals:
·       Niches you’re interested in (tracked by hashtags).
·       Recent posts are more valuable than the old ones.
·       History of interaction. People will most likely see your new publications if they used to like and comment your posts and Stories in the past.
·       The number of accounts you follow (or your followers follow). Too many subscriptions lower your chances to appear in the feed.
·       Location.
Feels like an impossible task to attract a new audience? Not at all! All you need is the right strategy. Without further ado, here are 4 ways to beat ever-changing algorithms and get more activity!

Forget about boring content

When it comes to the quality of your content, it should always be top-notch. Between a bad photo and no photo, choose the latter. With the amount of competition and thousands of accounts like yours, the task to get non-drop Instagram followers becomes quite tough.
Use multiple hooks to keep your current audience engaged and craving more. Create high-quality savable posts, share valuable information in carousel publications, use captions that trigger emotions, include calls to action, and switch the user’s attention from Stories to posts and vice versa.
The ultimate goal for every account owner (both personal blogs and businesses) is to make a user stop scrolling! Most techniques are based on H.I.C. Formula: Hooks (headline that captures people’s attention), Insights (offering value), and Calls to Action (asking the audience to do something).

Switch your priorities: publish more Stories and Reels

Currently, one of the best tools to increase Instagram followers is to follow the trends. As you might have noticed, the platform is trying to actively promote the use of Reels (short catchy videos up to 30 seconds) and Stories (they are available for 24 hours and can be saved to Highlights).
As fewer people pay attention to the feed, which is now full of sponsored and suggested posts, it’s crucial to focus on other methods of connecting with the audience. Stories can help you stay in touch with your current followers and Reels can be seen by everyone on Instagram.
If you are still worried about the visible statistics (likes, comments, and the number of followers) and want people to see how valuable your content is, use cheap SMM services to boost them. GlobalSMM offers a quick solution for small and big blogs: top-quality followers, IGTV and Reels views, likes under posts, and comments (available in several languages and as emoji).

Try cheap SMM services to improve the statistics

Accept the harsh truth: every account gets fewer likes than it used to. While the focus of potential followers is still on visible metrics, every blogger has to think about impressions.
They include:
·       the number of unique users that have seen your content;
·       the number of interactions (quick reactions, responses, comments, etc);
·       activity in your Stories, including votes and clicks on links.
You can get all these and more from the best panel for Instagram followers. The quality of SMM services increases: with GlobalSMM, you can get non-drop Instagram followers, likes and comments for your publications, and even impressions. Register today to get a taste of quality service with a free trial.

Take a pause and don’t post anything for a few days

Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your blog is to stop working 24/7 and take a break. How will it help you increase Instagram followers?
Most articles about promotion keep telling you that creating more content will eventually work out. The truth is: you don’t need to stick to these rules anymore. One or two days without Stories and publications will give you time to come up with a truly interesting idea and make your followers miss you.
Instead of embracing this “crazy blogger mode”, organize your daily tasks related to Instagram and create a weekly to-do list.

Instagram to-do list: tips for attracting a new audience to your page

If you want to avoid burnout and get non-drop Instagram followers, be sure to stick to the following routine every week (6-7 days seems an optimal period and it’s way easier than to plan for the entire month):
1.     Establish the popular themes to talk about and think about how they are related to your niche. Don’t have a niche yet? Check our selection of the top 5 most profitable themes on Instagram.
2.     Make sure the chosen topics are relevant. Summer is a great time to talk about vacations, winter is a wonderful time for hot drinks.
3.     Find related hashtags.
4.     Plot your publications and Stories (select the date and time when you plan to publish them).
5.     Check if your content brings people value.
6.     Add some personal content. Or vice versa, if your blog is about lifestyle, alter it with useful tips.
Don’t forget to track the results of your work! It’s important to monitor what people like more and the content they are indifferent to. Boost the activity of least popular posts with cheap SMM services and double efforts on creating posts and Stories that people found engaging.