
9 beginnings for a catchy post on Instagram

9 beginnings for a catchy post on Instagram

Begin a post with these 9 phrases and increase followers on Instagram

A compelling post for Instagram includes more than just a quality and beautiful photo. You also need to write engaging captions and make people save your publication or comment it. Better activity will help you to increase followers on Instagram, while valuable and interesting posts will make you stand out from your competitors.
As you may know, the first sentence of your publication, which is sometimes called “a hook” is the most significant part. If you manage to capture the attention of users with a catchy phrase, there is a higher chance that they will stay longer on your page (which is also great for algorithms). Below, we offer you 9 cool phrases that you can use to start your post with. And the best part: they are suitable for almost every niche!

Myths and facts about…

This can be a great post or a series of publications, especially for those who need to advertise their services and products on Instagram. For example, a photographer can share 5 myths and facts about the wedding photo shoot and a travel guide can tell about myths and facts of his city.
And even if you don’t have services or products to offer, this idea is also suitable for you. You can even play a game with your followers and offer them to guess one myth among 10 statements. This will improve your activity. If people don’t notice such posts, use a cheap SMM provider to add activity – likes, comments, and even saves. We have it all on the GlobalSMM website.

X mistakes people make when…

Help your target audience by pointing the most obvious mistakes related to your niche. The choice is vast here: mistakes when choosing the correct coat color (for fashion blogs), mistakes when booking airplane tickets (for travel blogs), mistakes when cooking lasagna (for culinary blogs), etc. You see, there are so many options! Users love such valuable publications and often save them for future.
If you noticed that your post didn’t get enough likes as usual, don’t get sad. Maybe it’s not your fault – when Instagram updates its system, even popular bloggers get less reactions. Use a cheap SMM panel for Instagram to improve your statistics.

My forecast for…

Your professional opinion about what will happen in your niche. But don’t be alarmed: there’s no need to share something serious. Usually, such posts are analysis of the current situation in your sphere or personal suppositions. You can predict who will win the Oscars this year, or you can assume what crypto currencies will be the strongest at the end of the season, or you can even suggest the upcoming fashion trends for this spring.

What’s wrong with…

When writing this post, you may appeal to people’s emotions and even cause unpredictable reactions. Especially if the topic you choose is quite controversial. For example, what’s wrong with the too strict office style / family photo shoots / Halloween celebration / new iPhone / new Netflix TV show, etc.
Such posts usually provoke a heated discussion where everyone tries to prove his position and defend his opinion. Even non followers many notice your post and join the discussion. As a result, with one witty publication, you can quickly increase followers on Instagram.

Fears and how to overcome them

This may be an easy topic to discuss but it will certainly bring you closer to your audience. When you open up and share the fears or problems you had in the past (or currently facing) you will notice that many people would support you. So, it can be the post where you describe your own experience or ask people for advise. Such sincere publications always get more likes and comments than the others.
When you share such a publication, don’t forget to increase the statistics under other posts, which will be less popular, compared to this one. You can use GlobalSMM – we have Instagram likes for sale, comments and even saves for a cheap price.

My X recommendations for…

Normally, such publications allow you to share your experience on something. You can offer your personal recommendations on basically anything: how to get ready for a wedding, how to plan a perfect vacation, how to prepare a gender reveal party, how to spend a Valentine Day, etc. Step-by-step instructions are the best solution for such posts.
If you want users to believe that your information is valuable and worth their attention, use a cheap SMM panel for Instagram to boost the statistics under such posts.

X questions to ask yourself before…

Another great idea suitable for many blogs and niches. Here are a few example: X questions to ask yourself before buying a gym membership, starting a blog, getting married, adopting a cat, changing a job, etc. But don’t think that you need to get serious, you can also create a funny post with the same idea – for instance, X questions to ask yourself before you try your dog’s food.

X gifts for…

Users adore such publications, especially if you prepare and publish them in advance. The more and interesting and unusual ideas you will find the more activity you will get. If you have your own product or service, you can include it in your post as an idea for a gift. Despite this idea being so good, there’s also one big minus: people to tend save such publications instead of liking them. But you already know where to find Instagram likes for sale – on the GlobalSMM website!

The lesson I learned from…

Another motivational post where your followers can learn from your experience. You can create a series of publications to keep people hooked and then slowly unfold your story, ending with the lessons you learned. Again, you don’t need to describe deep stuff if your blog is humorous. Just think how to adapt this phrase to your niche.
Now, you have 9 cool phrases to start your publications with. Don’t forget to add numbers to the heading of your posts, they will attract more attention than plain narrative. Try them all and see which one worked the best for you. Visit our blog for more ideas and use our cheap SMM provider to boost your account.